Graduate Students

Personal Profile

Hi! I am Siteng Huang. I am a joint Ph.D. student of Westlake University and Zhejiang University, advised by Dr. Donglin Wang. Also, I am a member of Machine Intelligence Laboratory (MiLAB) in Westlake University, where I do my research work on machine learning, few-shot learning, and robot learning. Before coming to Westlake University, I obtained my bachelor's degree of Engineering from School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, majoring in Software Engineering.


I am interested in technologies that allow machines and robots to learn like humans. In particular, I am committed to giving robots the ability to understand the world and learn from previous experiences, so that they can complete new tasks, acquire new skills or adapt to new environments rapidly with fewer samples through learning algorithms. Currently, my areas of interest include meta-learning, multi-task learning, and transfer learning. I am also interested in deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and multimodal machine learning.