Donglin Wang 

Associate Professor


Founder and Director of Machine Intelligence Lab (MiLAB)
AI Division, School of Engineering
Westlake University

No. 600 Dunyu Road, Sandun Town, Xihu District
Hangzhou, P.R. China


Phone: 0571-88119583

Location: Building #E2 - Room 221

Dr. Wang received the B.E. and M.S. degrees in the school of electronics and information engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2003 and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in ECE Department from the University of Calgary, Canada, in 2010. Then, he was a postdoc research fellow in the iRadio lab, Canada, until late 2011 when he became an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at New York Institute of Technology and then promoted in 2016 to an associate professor. In 2017, he joined Westlake University as the first full-time faculty in School of Engineering, where he has been acting as the founder and director of Machine Intelligence Laboratory (MiLAB).

Research Interests

Machine Intelligence Laboratory (MiLAB) conducts the pioneering research of Robot Learning, with the mission to endow real robot with high flexibility, fast adaptation and autonomous learning by making use of machine learning algorithms. MiLAB focuses on the following specific topics:

1. Deep Reinforcement Learning Theory

2. Deep Meta-Learning Theory

3. Robot Behavior Intelligence

We investigate reinforcement learning for acquiring behavior flexibility and autonomous learning, meta learning for fast adaptation, and make intelligent decision by simultaneously combing efficient data mining and advanced navigation methods. So far, we have published more than one hundred journal and conference papers, where 50 papers were published in MiLAB (after 2017.9).


link Deep Reinforcement Learning
32 class hours
2021 Fall
link Machine Learning
12 class hours (PS: 48 shared by 4 instructors)
2020 Fall
link Machine Learning
12 class hours (PS: 48 shared by 4 instructors)
2020 Spring
Data Analysis And Algorithm Design
16 class hours (PS: 48 shared by 3 instructors)
2019 Fall

News (Since 2021)

2025.03.11 One paper got accepted by TCSVT 2025, Congrats to Xuyang Liu, Siteng Huang and all co-authors.
2025.01.28 Two papers got accepted by ICRA 2025, Congrats to Han Zhao, Xinyang Tong, Wenxuan Song, Pengxiang Ding and all co-authors.
2025.01.23 Two papers got accepted by ICLR 2025, Congrats to Wei Zhao, Hongyin Zhang, Pengxiang Ding and all co-authors.
2024.12.24 One paper got accepted by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Congrats to Shangke Lyu, Xin Lang and all co-authors.
2024.12.19 One paper got accepted by Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, Congrats to Shangke Lyu, Zhenyu Wei and all co-authors.
2024.12.10 Four papers got accepted by AAAI 2025! Congrats to Li Chai, Han Zhao and all co-authors.
2024.12.05 恭贺盖思博、亢雅宸通过博士论文答辩。
2024.09.20 One paper got accepted by EMNLP 2024! Congrats to Ziqi Zhang, Cunxiang Wang and all co-authors.
2024.09.09 恭贺张敏通过博士论文答辩。
2024.08.29 One paper got accepted by RAS 2024! Congrats to Qiangxin Tian, Jinxin Liu and all co-authors.
2024.07.16 One paper got accepted by ACM MM 2024! Congrats to Can Cui, Siteng Huang and all co-authors.
2024.07.01 Two papers got accepted by ECCV 2024! Congrats to Yang Liu, Pengxiang Ding, Han Zhao and all co-authors.
2024.06.30 One paper got accepted by IROS 2024! Congrats to Wenxuan Song, Han Zhao and all co-authors.
2024.06.14 恭贺刘金鑫通过博士论文答辩。
2024.06.04 恭贺黄思腾、王婷通过博士论文答辩。
2024.05.29 One paper got accepted by Entropy 2024! Congrats to Min Zhang, Zhitao Wang and all co-authors.
2024.05.14 One paper got accepted by RSS 2024! Congrats to Shangke Lyu, Xin Lang and all co-authors.
2024.05.09 One paper got accepted by ICIC 2024! Congrats to Jian Song, Xiangfei Yang and all co-authors.
2024.05.02 Two papers got accepted by ICML 2024! Congrats to Zifeng Zhuang, Jinxin Liu, Xinghong Guo and all co-authors.
2024.03.16 Two papers got accepted by IJCNN 2024! Congrats to Xiangfei Yang, Hongyin Zhang and all co-authors.
2024.03.13 Two papers got accepted by ICME 2024! Congrats to Zhang Min, Siteng Huang and all co-authors.
2024.02.27 Two papers got accepted by CVPR 2024! Congrats to Siteng Huang, Zhang Min and all co-authors.
2024.01.15 One paper got accepted by Entropy! Congrats to Sibo Gai, Shangke Lyu, and all co-authors.
2023.12.13 Four papers got accepted by ICASSP 2024! Congrats to Xuyang Liu, Shuanghao Bai, Ting Wang, Zhenyu Chen and all co-authors.
2023.12.09 Three papers got accepted by AAAI 2024! Congrats to Jinxin Liu, Ziqi Zhang, Pengxiang Ding, Min Zhang and all co-authors.
2023.09.22 Two papers got accepted by NeurIPS 2023! Congrats to Jinxin Liu, Li He, Hongyin Zhang and all co-authors.
2023.08.31 One paper got accepted by CoRL 2023. Congrats to Jinxin Liu, Lipeng Zu and all co-authors.
2023.08.08 One paper got accepted by INFORM SCIENCES. Congrats to Xiangfei Yang, Jiahang Pan and all co-authors.
2023.07.16 One paper got accepted by ECAI 2023. Congrats to Sibo Gai, Li He and all co-authors.
2023.06.22 One paper got accepted by IROS 2023. Congrats to Shangke Lyu, Han Zhao and all co-authors.
2023.06.22 One paper got accepted by Acs Nano 2023. Congrats to Min Zhang and all co-authors.
2023.05.30 恭贺赵峰通过博士论文答辩。
2023.05.25 One paper got accepted by ROBOT AUTON SYST 2023. Congrats to Qingfeng Yao, Jilong Wang and all co-authors.
2023.04.25 One paper got accepted by ICML 2023. Congrats to Yachen Kang, Diyuan Shi and all co-authors.
2023.04.02 Two papers were accepted by ICMR 2023. Congrats to Siteng Huang, Feng Zhao and all co-authors.
2023.03.14 One paper was accepted by ICME 2023. Congrats to Yunkai Dang, Min Zhang and all co-authors.
2023.02.28 PhD student Siteng Huang's paper was accepted by CVPR 2023. Congrats!
2023.02.22 恭贺陈政聿通过博士论文答辩。
2023.02.15 恭贺黄田程通过博士论文答辩。
2023.01.21 One paper was accepted by ICLR 2023. Congrats to Zifeng Zhuang, Kun Lei and all co-authors.
2022.10.21 Two papers were accepted by IEEE ROBIO 2022. Congrats to Qingfeng Yao, Jilong Wang and all co-authors.
2022.09.05 Three patents on "DRL&Legged Robot" have been authorized.
2022.08.22 One invited paper was accepted by Intell Robot 2022. Congrats to all co-authors, Hongyin Zhang, Li He, etc.!
2022.08.02 Three papers were accepted by CIKM 2022. Congrats to Tiancheng Huang, Feng Zhao and all co-authors.
2022.07.04 One paper got accepted by ECCV 2022. Congrats to all co-authors, Min Zhang, Siteng Huang, etc.!
2022.05.22 One paper got accepted by TNNLS 2022. Congrats to all co-authors, Feng Zhao, Tiancheng Huang, etc.!
2022.05.20 牵头申报科技创新2030重大项目获批立项。
2022.05.19 One paper got accepted by KDD 2022. Congrats!
2022.04.27 One paper got accepted by IJCNN 2022! Congrats to all co-authors, Ting Wang, Zongkai Wu, etc.!
2022.04.21 One paper got accepted by IJCAI 2022! Congrats to all co-authors, Tiancheng Huang, Zhengyu Chen, etc.!
2022.03.09 恭贺田强兴通过博士论文答辩。
2022.01.22 One paper got accepted by IEEE ICASSP 2022! Congrats to all co-authors, Min Zhang, Siteng Huang, etc.!
2022.01.21 One paper got accepted by ICLR 2022! Congrats to all co-authors, Jinxin Liu, Hongyin Zhang, etc.!
2021.12.01 Two papers were accepted by AAAI 2022. Congrats!
2021.10.16 One paper got accepted by TNNLS 2021! Congrats to all co-authors Ting Wang, Zongkai Wu, etc.!
2021.09.29 One paper (DARS) got accepted by NeurIPS 2021! Congrats to all co-authors Jinxin Liu, Hao Shen, etc.!
2021.08.18 《强化学习在四足机器人行为智能上的关键技术理论及应用》获国家自然科学基金面上项目资助。
2021.08.10 PhD student Feng Zhao's paper was accepted by ACM CIKM 2021. Congrats!
2021.07.01 Two papers were accepted by IROS 2021. Congrats to all co-authors Hongyin Zhang, Qingfeng Yao, Jilong Wang, etc.!
2021.05.16 Our paper (Learn to propagate in GNN) was accepted by KDD 2021. Congrats to all co-authors Teng Xiao, Zhengyu Chen, etc.!
2021.04.21 Two papers were accepted by ACM ICMR 2021. Congrats to all co-authors Feng Zhao, Zifeng Zhuang, Xintao Xiang and Siteng Huang!
2021.04.10 Six papers were accepted by IJCNN 2021. Congrats to all co-authors!
2021.03.01 Few-shot learning paper was accepted by CVPR 2021. Congrats to all co-authors Zhengyu Chen, Jixie Ge, Heshen Zhan and Siteng Huang!
2021.02.05 Dr. Zongkai Wu's paper was accepted by IEEE MultiMedia Journal as a regular paper. Congrats!
2021.01.30 PhD student Zhengyu Chen's paper was accepted by IEEE ICASSP 2021. Congrats!